APS Recruitment "*" indicates required fields Applicant DetailsName* First Name Last Name Mobile Number*Date of birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Email Address* Preferred Clinic Location*(Select one of the below)ACT QueanbeyanNSW BankstownNSW Baulkham HillsNSW DaptoNSW DarlinghurstNSW Mount DruittNSW NarellanNSW NewcastleNSW WarrawongNSW WaterlooNSW Wetherill ParkNSW WollongongNT Darwin CityQLD BeenleighQLD Brisbane CBDQLD Brown PlainsQLD BundabergQLD CairnsQLD ChermsideQLD CurrajongQLD GeebungQLD LoganholmeQLD Mermaid BeachQLD North MackayQLD OxleyQLD SouthportQLD TownsvilleQLD WestcourtSA GillmanSA Mile EndSA ElizabethSA ModburyTAS HobartTAS LauncestonTAS LindisfarneTAS NewsteadVIC EppingVIC GeelongVIC HighettVIC Moonee PondsVIC MulgraveVIC Narre WarrenVIC Port MelbourneVIC RingwoodVIC WerribeeWA AlbanyWA BoulderWA BroomeWA BunburyWA CanningtonWA GeraldtonWA KarrathaWA Port HedlandWA RockinghamOther (please specify the location below)Please select from the drop-down menuOther Clinic Location*Position Title*Upload files*Max. file size: 2 MB.Please upload your job information pack in either word or pdf.Medical Components Required:* Standard Pre-employment Medical 1st Suitable Date* DD slash MM slash YYYY 1st Suitable Time* Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM 2nd Suitable Date* DD slash MM slash YYYY 2nd Suitable Time* Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM 3rd Suitable Date* DD slash MM slash YYYY 3rd Suitable Time* Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Additional CommentsThe clinic will send you an email confirming your appointment time and location. Please pay attention to booking confirmation email. If you have any concerns please email Aspen Corporate Health Team at [email protected]. If you do not attend your appointment, or do not give adequate notice of cancellation [no less than 24 hours], a cancellation fee will be charged to the Department. • Cancellation Policy: 24hrs notice is required or a 50% fee may be payable. • If you have any conditions which may require investigation or explanation, you should bring any statements from your doctor(s) about the condition(s), together with copies of any specialist reports, results of any medical tests or X-Rays with you to your examination. • You should also bring with you to the medical examination your glasses or contact lenses if used, and details of any medication currently being taken.